CRM system implement in QMS

Process automation simplifies the work of the quality system. Automation tools solve one of the key tasks of the QMS – management of documented information. It is impossible to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the quality system without reliable and effective management of procedures, records and data. Automation systems provide support for the management of working and supporting QMS processes.

CRM systems allow you to manage processes related to customers. The ISO 9001:2015 standard contains a significant amount of requirements governing the implementation of these processes. It is important to determine which of the requirements can be implemented by automating processes when choosing and implementing a CRM system.

The requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the processes of interaction with customers are presented below. There are some explanations how these requirements can be implemented in the CRM systems.

5.1.2 Customer focus

Top management shall demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to customer focus by ensuring that:

a) customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met;


The requirements for the product or service must be documented. They are specified in the terms of reference or of the contract, as a rule.

The fulfillment (satisfaction) of the requirements is recorded in the acts of work performed (acceptance of products). This option is possible with an individual contract with each client. If mass sales (mass service) are carried out, then information about the satisfaction of requirements must be recorded in consumer reviews or questionnaires.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

This requirement can only be partially implemented in CRM systems. The definition of customer requirements, their storage and processing in most systems is not implemented or implemented for simple objects. The requirements for registering and storing information about customer satisfaction can be fully implemented.

For technically simple products and services (the set of initial requirements does not exceed several dozen), customer requirements are saved in the form of primary information on customer surveys or focus groups. All information is related to a specific consumer (group), but is not structured. The CRM system does not allow you to summarize information and highlight the technical requirements necessary for the manufacture of products or the development of services (for example, according to the technology of the quality house). These requirements are implemented in the marketing tasks block in most CRM systems.

For technically complex facilities and services (a set of initial requirements of several hundred or more) CRM system is not applicable. The volume of requirements of such objects is very large. CAD/CAM systems and Big Date data storage and processing systems (or OLAP systems) are used for their registration, storage and processing.

The requirements for registering information about customer satisfaction are implemented in the form of modules for conducting surveys, questionnaires, registering calls, letters, complaints, etc. feedback from consumers. Many CRM systems allow you to structure information by type (sources of receive) and conduct primary analysis.

5.1.2 Customer focus

b) the risks and opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services and the ability to enhance customer satisfaction are determined and addressed;


It is necessary to indicate possible deviations from the regular execution of the process (risk events) and actions to respond to such events in process maps or documents describing the process of providing a service (product).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

It is not implemented in CRM systems. The implementation of this requirement is possible in CASE tools, ERP systems or BPM systems. If the CRM system has an integration module with these systems, then users of the CRM system can see such information. Actions to respond to abnormal situations or incorrect actions of consumers are implemented in user support systems (Help Desk systems).

5.1.2 Customer focus

c) the focus on enhancing customer satisfaction is maintained.


Top management should conduct regular analysis and evaluation of the implementation of customer requirements. The analysis should be carried out on the basis of documented information about customer satisfaction.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system can only provide primary data for analyzing the implementation of requirements.

7.4 Communication

The organization shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the quality management system, including:


Internal communications are interactions between employees of an organization during the manufacturing of products (maintenance, delivery) or the provision of services. Interactions can be horizontal (between employees of the same level of subordination) and vertical (between employees of different levels of subordination).

External relations are interactions between employees of the organization and interested parties (consumers, suppliers, supervisory organizations, the media, etc.).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The requirement for interaction with external parties (consumers, suppliers, etc.) is fully implemented in all CRM systems. Interaction management modules allow you to register contacts, keep a history, plan and monitor interactions separately with each specific external person.

The CRM system is not used to regulate interaction within an organization as a rule.

7.4 Communication

a) on what it will communicate;


It is necessary to determine the range of issues or tasks for each employee on which he can interact within the organization and with external parties.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

CRM systems interaction management modules allow you to define and structure contact topics and specific issues of interaction with external persons (consumers, suppliers, etc.).

7.4 Communication

b) when to communicate;


It is necessary to establish the conditions (situations) for each type of interaction under which they can be carried out.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

CRM systems have contact management functions by condition, by time, by event. The system automatically reminds the user of the need to interact when the specified conditions or events occur.

7.4 Communication

c) with whom to communicate;


It is necessary to determine the responsible persons with whom the employee should interact for each range of issues or tasks.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system allows you to identify specific individuals, groups of clients and focus groups for each of the topics (range of issues) of interaction.

7.4 Communication

d) how to communicate;


The method of interaction is a form of information transmission (written, oral, visual) and a communication channel (electronically, by phone, personal contact, etc.).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

A form of information transmission can be established for each issue or type of interaction in the CRM system. The interaction is registered in the system and saved in the history of contacts with an external person (consumer, customer, supplier, etc.).

7.4 Communication

e) who communicates.


It is necessary to identify responsible persons for the interactions and participants of the interaction.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

A responsible employee is assigned to each type of interaction (in the CRM system referred to as a task). The effectiveness of the interaction can be assessed due to the built-in methods of contact analysis.

8.2.1 Customer communication

Communication with customers shall include:


It is desirable to present the processes of interaction with customers in the form of documented information (process maps, flowcharts, procedures).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system implements already developed processes (the system is a tool for executing processes of interaction with customers). Process descriptions, schemas, and procedures are created using CASE tools or BPM systems.

8.2.1 Customer communication

a) providing information relating to products and services;


The organization must provide the customers with information about the characteristics of products or services. The organization chooses the method of providing information independently (advertising brochures, information on the website, mailing lists, etc.).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

This requirement is partially implemented. The CRM system is not designed to manage information about the characteristics of a product or service. It can be saved in the system and transmitted to consumers (verbally or by e-mail), but this information is created and managed from other systems.

8.2.1 Customer communication

b) handling enquiries, contracts or orders, including changes;


The organization must promptly provide the customer with information about the status of the contract, the execution of his order or changes in the contract or order.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

This requirement can be implemented in a CRM system if there is integration with production system modules (ERP system), document management system, project management and similar systems. If there is no integration with other systems, then the information will have to be entered manually.

8.2.1 Customer communication

c) obtaining customer feedback relating to products and services, including customer complaints;


Feedback from the consumer (including complaints) should be recorded, processed and analyzed. You need to create communication channels (a book of complaints and suggestions, e-mail, phone calls, a feedback form on the website, etc.)

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

It can be fully implemented in a CRM system. Every contact, appeal or complaint of the client is registered in the system. It allows you to monitor the history of interaction with the client, track actions to respond to customer complaints.

8.2.1 Customer communication

d) handling or controlling customer property;


If the customer has provided the organization with his property, the organization is obliged to inform the customer about the condition of his property. Informing can be carried out at the request of the customer or on an initiative basis (in case of damage or loss of property).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

This requirement can be implemented in a CRM system due to the interaction management module. Notification of the customer is carried out according to the event (the appeal of the customer or the employee of the organization responsible for working with the customer's property).

8.2.1 Customer communication

e) establishing specific requirements for contingency actions, when relevant.


In the event of an emergency or abnormal situation with the provided products or services, the organization must inform the customer about it (for example, the recall of cars from operation).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system contains all the contact information about working with the customer. This requirement of the quality system is implemented through the interaction management module. The CRM system allows you to take into account all customers to whom a product has been delivered or a service has been provided. This makes it possible to exclude situations when one of the customers forgot to notify about an emergency situation or detected defects.

8.2.3 Review of requirements related to products and services

The organization shall ensure that it has the ability to meet the requirements for products and services to be offered to customers. The organization shall conduct a review before committing to supply products and services to a customer, to include:

a) requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for delivery and postdelivery activities;

b) requirements not stated by the customer, but necessary for the specified or intended use, when known;

c) requirements specified by the organization;

d) statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to the products and services;

e) contract or order requirements differing from those previously expressed.


An organization must analyze all the requirements for feasibility before fulfilling a customer's order, delivering products or providing a service. The results of the analysis must be documented.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

This requirement is not implemented in the CRM system. The system can only save and provide primary data for analyzing customer requirements.

8.2.3 Review of requirements related to products and services

The organization shall ensure that contract or order requirements differing from those previously defined are resolved.


Changes in requirements that may arise in the course of working with the customer must be registered and transmitted to the employees responsible for the execution of the order (provision of services).

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

It can be partially performed in CRM. The system can only register the client's request and requests for changing requirements. Further work to change management is carried out in other systems.

8.2.3 Review of requirements related to products and services

The customer's requirements shall be confirmed by the organization before acceptance, when the customer does not provide a documented statement of their requirements.


The customer may not define documented requirements (mass segment). The organization must formulate the requirements itself and provide the customer with the opportunity to read and confirm them in this case.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

It can be implemented indirectly through marketing management modules. Customer requirements can be identified in the course of marketing research. The requirements of customers are determined based on the analysis of marketing information. The CRM system is a tool for planning, organizing and managing marketing research.

8.2.4 Changes to requirements for products and services

The organization shall ensure that relevant documented information is amended, and that relevant persons are made aware of the changed requirements, when the requirements for products and services are changed.


The customer's requirements may change before the start of work or during the execution of the order. The organization must ensure that the documented information that is associated with this order is changed in these cases. It is necessary to save the history of changes at the same time.

Employees who implement the requirements must work with new (changed) requirements.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system can only register a request for changing requirements from the customer and maintain a history of such requests. Analysis of changes, corrections to documentation, updating of documentation is performed in other systems (project management systems, documentation management, etc.).

8.3.2 Design and development planning

In determining the stages and controls for design and development, the organization shall consider:

g) the need for involvement of customers and users in the design and development process;


Sometimes it may be necessary to involve customers (for example, software testing) during the development and design of a product or service. The organization must ensure the participation of customers in the development and register the results of their participation.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system can form groups of customers (among customers included in the database of the system) according to the specified characteristics. The use of a CRM system allows you to more accurately select focus groups to participate in the design and development of products or services.

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision

The organization shall implement production and service provision under controlled conditions.


This section requires the organization to manage production processes. The execution of production processes must be documented in order to obtain stable and sustainable results.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system allows you to manage the processes of interaction with customers. Such processes include the processes of marketing, sales, maintenance, service and technical support. The CRM system is a tool for performing these processes. The documentary description of the processes is implemented in other systems (CASE tools, document management systems, etc.).

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision

Controlled conditions shall include, as applicable:

a) the availability of documented information that defines:


Product characteristics must be documented. They should be accessible to the personnel performing the work. Information about the characteristics of products at each stage of production is usually contained in drawings, explanatory notes, process maps and similar documentation.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The production processes used by the organization depend on the type of products (services) and the functions performed. If customer service and technical support is not the main activity of the organization, then there is no need to use CRM systems to implement this requirement. Users of the CRM system should have information about the characteristics of products (services) for reference.

8.5.1 Control of production and service provision

h) the implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities.


In order to ensure the safety of products (services) and its safe use, the organization must develop and apply processes for the storage, processing, delivery and maintenance of products after manufacturing.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The fact of performing actions and related information can be recorded in the CRM system.

8.5.3 Property belonging to customers or external providers

The organization shall exercise care with property belonging to customers or external providers while it is under the organization's control or being used by the organization. The organization shall identify, verify, protect and safeguard customers' or external providers' property provided for use or incorporation into the products and services.

When the property of a customer or external provider is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, the organization shall report this to the customer or external provider and retain documented information on what has occurred.


The property of the customer, consumer or supplier may be material assets or information (personal data, programs, information about the customer, etc.). The organization is responsible for ensuring that such property is checked, identified and protected from damage or access by third parties.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

CRM systems save and process a large amount of data about customer. Much of this information is classified as confidential. The standard requirements implementation implies the use of personal data protection tools in the CRM system against unauthorized access, damage or loss.

8.5.5 Post-delivery activities

The organization shall meet requirements for post-delivery activities associated with the products and services.

In determining the extent of post-delivery activities that are required, the organization shall consider:

e) customer feedback.

NOTE Post-delivery activities can include actions under warranty provisions, contractual obligations such as maintenance services, and supplementary services such as recycling or final disposal.


After the delivery of products to the customer or the provision of services, in some cases, it is required to perform maintenance or technical support. These actions need to be documented. The information received from the customer should be recorded and saved for further analysis and accounting of customer satisfaction.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system is an effective tool for registering feedback from customers (calls, appeals, suggestions, complaints). CRM allows you to systematize information and carry out its analytical processing.

8.7 Control of nonconforming outputs

The organization shall deal with nonconforming outputs in one or more of the following ways:

c) informing the customer;


All cases of detection of nonconforming outputs of processes, products or services must be recorded. This is important to prevent accidental use of nonconformance products or services.

Nonconformance can be identified after the products are delivered to the customer. In this case, the organization must inform the customer about the identification of nonconformance and take actions to eliminate them.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

CRM is as a means of information support for the implementation of this requirement of the standard. If nonconformance in products are detected after delivery, the CRM system allows you to quickly and accurately determine to whom and when the nonconforming product or service was delivered.

9.1.2 Customer satisfaction

The organization shall monitor customers' perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. The organization shall determine the methods for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing this information.


One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the quality system is customer satisfaction. The organization is obliged to use data collection methods in order to obtain information on this indicator. Methods can be direct and indirect. It is necessary to choose the appropriate methods, determine the order of their application and register the results.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

Most CRM systems have marketing management modules that allow you to plan and manage survey and questionnaire activities. In addition, the CRM system contains information on all interactions. This information is the source for the analysis of customer satisfaction.

9.3.2 Management review inputs

The management review shall be planned and carried out taking into consideration:

c) information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in:

1) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties;


Management review is a tool for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality system. Customer satisfaction refers to the key elements of the assessment. An organization must register information on customer satisfaction to conduct an assessment and collect statistics on changes in this indicator.

Implementation of requirements in the CRM system

The CRM system provides the initial information for management review in terms of customer satisfaction. The degree of automation of processing the initial information may vary depending on the analytical methods used.