A quality management system is a part of an organization's management system that is focused on achieving results based on
quality goals, meeting the needs and expectations of its customers.
The quality management system allows you to create a relationship of organizational elements, processes, documents and resources
of the organization that will be able to perform the right actions in order to create high-quality products or services.
Implementation of the quality management system
At least two conditions are necessary in order to begin the development and implementation of a quality management system:
- the volition and desire of the head of the organization to provide administrative support for the work;
- people who know what ISO 9000 is.
When these conditions are met, you can proceed to the first step of building a quality system - determining the scope of the
quality management system. The quality management system should apply to the activities of the production of products or the
provision of services to the organization. If an organization produces several types of products or services, then the quality
management system may apply to all types or only a part of them. Goods making means not only the production of goods, but also the
development of projects, the implementation of intermediary activities, the purchase and supply of goods, etc.
In details about the implementation of the quality management system.
ISO 9000
ISO 9000 are standards. These are the standards for the quality management system of the enterprise. These are the standards,
namely, on the management system, and not on the quality of products or services. These standards are developed by the International
Organization for Standardization – ISO.
There are several standards. They are a series of complementary standards:
- ISO 9000 "Quality management system. Fundamentals and vocabulary" is a standard defining the terminology of the quality
management system (QMS), as well as the principles on which the QMS is based.
- ISO 9001 "Quality Management System. Requirements" - sets the requirements that the organization's quality management
system must meet.
- ISO 9004 Quality management — Quality of an organization — Guidance to achieve sustained success - determines the organization's
capabilities to improve the quality management system.
In details according to ISO 9000 series standards.
ISO 9000 certification
The certification of enterprises is carried out according to the ISO 9001 standard. Since the introduction of the new edition of the
standard (ISO 9001:2015), certification according to the previous version (ISO 9001:2008) is terminated.
Certification is carried out by an independent organization - a certification body that is accredited in a particular certification
system, has the right to conduct certification audits and issue certificates.
In details on the certification of quality systems.
Participants of the quality management system project
Organization (Customer) - develops and implements a quality system. The organization is the most interested participant in the
preparation and certification of a quality management system.
Training company - trains personnel on quality management issues, explains the requirements of the standard and prepares the
organization's personnel for the independent implementation of the QMS.
Consulting company (consultant) – a company that is attracted by the organization (Customer) if it is not able to independently
implement the QMS for some reason. A consulting company (consultant) can be involved at any stage of a QMS implementing.
The certification body is an organization accredited for the certification of quality management systems for compliance with ISO 9001.
The roles of a training company and a consulting company (consultant) can be combined - it can be the same company.
The certification body may conduct training, but it does not have the right to consult (prepare for certification).