Kaizen is a popular concept for improving an organization work. This concept was created and developed in Japan, at Japanese enterprises. The implementation of the kaizen concept requires effort, patience and a certain mentality. This page contains books that describe the implementation of this concept at enterprises in the most detail.
Kaizen books

Кайдзен. Ключ к успеху японских компаний
This book can be a good guide for specialists involved in the organization development, improving the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of the management system. The first edition of the book was published in 1986 and became a bestseller among professionals on company management systems.
This book describes the Japanese business philosophy in detail - the pursuit of excellence through incremental, evolutionary changes, painstaking and careful work on all components of the business.
Kaizen – it means minor improvements. This means continuous improvement, which involves everyone - from the clerk and the manager, to a simple worker. This book focuses more on the attitude and culture of Kaizen than on tools and methods. A significant amount of content is also devoted to the practical part – examples of the application of Kaizen methods, principles and tools are described in detail.

Управление заводом в стиле кайдзен. Как снизить затраты и повысить прибыль
This book presents the application of the kaizen concept in Russian conditions - for a machine-building enterprise. The book provides descriptions and examples of the implementation of the main Kaizen elements and methods - the 5S system, the Total Quality Control system (TQC), the Total Productive Maintenance system (TPM), Just in Time, Poka Yoka, BSC. The book has a practical focus on the application of concepts, systems and methods given above. It will be useful for managers and specialists who try to improve the efficiency of the organization and deal with issues of management optimization.

Гемба кайдзен. Путь к снижению затрат и повышению качества
This book can be called a continuation of the bestseller “ Кайдзен . Ключ к успеху японских кампаний ”. Masaaki Imai, its author is the founder and popularizer of the concept of continuous improvement of Kaizen. The Gemba Kaizen methods provide any organization with a unique opportunity to increase revenue and achieve success in its market segment.
Various methods of improvement can be applied to the company's business processes explains and shows in the book. The result of the Gemba Kaizen application is demonstrated as example of organizations from various fields of activity. The book gives in detail important topics for Gemba Kaizen:
- quality, cost and supplies in Gemba Kaizen;
- five steps to a workplace organize;
- identification and reduction of losses (muda) that do not give value;
- visual management;
- the role of managers, masters, supervisors and workers in the Gemba Kaizen system;
- the Just in Time system application and work flow management;
- the role of top management and its leadership in the Kaizen corporate culture.

Офис-Кайдзен. Преобразование офисных операций в стратегическое преимущество
Most of the production and business processes can be improved using various quality methods and tools. Office and administrative processes are more inert when making changes. Most companies believe that it is quite difficult to reduce the cost of office processes without harm the management system. The most progressive organizations are trying to solve this issue through the use of Office Kaizen.
This book provides a unified and consistent approach that allows you to gain strategic advantages by improving the efficiency, quality and productivity of office and administrative processes. The book describes what Office Kaizen is, provides types of losses (muda) that characteristic for office processes, explains the principles of working with personnel, describes how to integrate the Kaizen approach with popular systems - 6 sigma, lean manufacturing, project management, ISO 9000, reengineering, etc.

Кайдзен для рабочих
The book is a small guide to Kaizen actions. The first and second chapters of the book explain what the concept of Kaizen is and what Kaizen actions are.
The third, fourth and fifth chapters explain the three phases of Kaizen activities:
- the first phase is "Planning and preparation";
- the second phase is "Application" (i.e. execution a Kaizen action);
- the third phase is "Evaluation of results and further improvement".
The sixth chapter provides the final closes and feedback on the application of Kaizen activities.
This book can be useful for clerks and managers involved in conducting Kaizen activities in their organizations.

Путь кайзен
This book is intended for a wide range of readers and is aimed at popularizing the concept of Kaizen. The book provides an interesting practical guide to the application of the Kaizen concept in everyday life. Robert Maurer is the author of the book. He is a well-known expert of the Kaizen concept. He explains how you can achieve great success in any endeavor through the application of 7 simple Kaizen steps. The constancy of action is essential condition for the successful application of Kaizen in the life. It is necessary to regularly make small and insignificant improvements at first glance in order to achieve serious results.